
Sunday, April 8, 2012

life lately

...has been INSANE. Here's what has happened since my last posting:

a) I had my bachelorette party (it was indeed the week I posted about it) and it was fabulous.

b) David came to Boston for St. Patrick's Day and it was ridiculous.

c) I flew to Jackson for a job interview, house hunting, Molly's birthday party and Founder's Day and it was chaotic but oh-so-wonderful.

The rest has been a flurry of emails, research, packing, cleaning, planning, worrying, sleeping, discussing, calligraphy-ing, crafting, exercising, organizing, addressing and hoping. Lots of hoping that in one month we will be in a new home that we both love and can afford. And hoping that in two months we will have a (housebroken!) puppy, celebrated a wonderful and beautiful wedding, I will be starting at a great new job and Brian will be enjoying his last bit of free time before med school. And hoping that in four months I love my job and Brian loves med school and we love Jackson... That part, at least, I know will be true. We will love Jackson. Visiting reminded me all over again how excited I am to be around our friends and back in that community again.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I read an article a couple weeks ago about appreciating things more and one of the writer's suggestions was to build anticipation by talking up an event before hand, preparing in advance, etc. If this theory proves true, I am going to have the BEST bachelorette party evah. But the funny thing is that the anticipation had been building more by not talking about it.

See, my maid of honor Tait (of Ode to a Taiter fame) and Brian and a myriad of other bridesmaids and friendys have been scheming to keep my bachelorette a secret from me for some months now. At first I didn't know where or when it would be or any details of what we might be doing. Then someone accidentally let it slip that it would be in New York City, which gave me just enough tantalizing detail to get even more excited. But I still don't know when it is, exactly who will be there and what is planned. Every conversation with Tait or Brian has become a tease of half-hints and false trails and the suspense is killing me, but it an awesome way.

Eventually I got another little tidbit - Brian booked me a 9 a.m. bus to NYC on a Friday. Which Friday remains unknown. At first he threatened to wake me up at four in the morning with a bullhorn. But since I don't exactly fancy having scramble to pack and rush out the door to make my bus (and because I threatened to kill him), he sweetly relented and promised to tell me Thursday night.

And then today I got my first official clue-slash-packing aid. Cue excitement ramping up even more (as well as the wondering - would they have planned to give me clues for a week? Two weeks?!?). I will have to wait until Thursday to find out for sure, but if the mystery bachelorette is finally upon us, I am reaaaaddyyyyyy to parrrtyyyyyyyyyyyy.

hello, I am a slut

And so are all my friends, apparently. After all, since almost every female I know is on some kind of birth control – whether it be for health issues that give them extremely painful and miserable periods, irregular and unpredictable periods, or yes, to be able to have sex without getting pregnant – we must all be sluts.

What decade are we in? The last time I checked it was 2012. The TWENTY-FIRST century, y'all.

So can somebody tell me WHY THE HELL women are suddenly being attacked for taking a stand for themselves, their sexuality and their HEALTH?

Here's the thing. I get that birth control is (generally) not a life-saving drug that women absolutely must take to survive. So if you want to argue that one institution or another (be it the government or employers or health care or whoever) shouldn't have to pay to make it affordable for women, that's fine. But then you better be prepared to accept my argument that they shouldn't pay for any other - not ONE single other - medication that isn't 100% lifesaving. I'm betting that is an argument you won't like.

I can't with this thing too much or it will just turn into a rant. But if you want to read more about this issue, I sincerely encourage you to check out the links below, particularly the first by Donna Ladd, editor-in-chief of the Jackson Free Press in Mississippi.

Living in Hell

Birth control as election issue? Why?

Rush Limbaugh calls woman on birth control 'slut,' but she shows class

Rush Limbaugh Doubles Down on Sandra Fluke, Offering 'As Much Aspirin to Put Between Her Knees As She Wants'

And of course, Jon Stewart's take on the whole thing, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Gross

He makes several good points, as always, but the best is, "To the people who are upset about their hard-earned tax money going to something they don't like... Welcome to the f***ing club. Everyone pays for sh** they don't want to all the time. Reimburse me for the Iraq war and oil subsidies and diaphragms are on me!"

It is the 19th Amendment that gives women the right to vote. Which means that 18 other amendments were put forth and ratified before the government seriously considered, "Hey, maybe we should extend this basic right to the other fully HALF of our population - to the ones that give us half of our genes, who carry us for nine months inside their bodies, who nurture and raise and teach us. Maybe we should let all people whom these laws affect have a voice in approving or denying them." YOU THINK?!

But, however late to the party it may have been, it is also the 19th Amendment that gives us the power to keep this shit out of the White House. All the ladies out there - all the sluts out there - let's stand up and show what we think of this issue.

Friday, March 2, 2012

February's 29

So far I am loving my photo a day project. I'm already excited to compare the first month to the last and see the differences. New home, new city, new state, new pet (hopefully), new job (SERIOUSLY hopefully), new lifestyle... Plus we have a tentative plan to visit my parents over Brian's Christmas break, so it will be fun to compare that as well (the first six photos of January were taken in Utah visiting them). Their kittens will be so much bigger by that point!

Full confession time, two of these photos are NOT in the correct spot for their day. In January I managed to take a photo every day, but this month I forgot twice, so I pulled photos from days where I took several. The OCD part of me is twitching but I'm determined to not get crazy about this project.

It's also interesting to see the month (or two months) as a whole. I can immediately pick out trends and things I like or dislike. For one thing, there are hardly any people. Brian makes an appearance or two (which is just about all he will put up with anyway), and there are bits of me but nothing of my face. I'm kind of okay with that, because I feel like these photos are really taken from my point of view and show the things I notice and look at throughout the month. I do wish there was more variety. Part of this is because of the whole unemployment thing – I spend a ton of time in the apartment, and when I do leave I tend to do the same things (errands, jogging, groceries)... but even when we were in New York City for Brian's birthday spending time with some of our best friends, I didn't really remember to take more than still life-esque photos. Imma work on that for the next couple months.

There's also hardly any green, both because the instagram filters tend to play up every color except green and because I live in a concrete jungle where it is still (technically) winter so there's no grass or leaves on the trees. Guess I'll just have to wear my favorite coat every day until it gets too warm!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I am unemployed, y'all.

Since the time between completing my classes for grad school and moving away is only a few months, instead of finding a short-term job here in Boston I have been focusing on applying for jobs in Mississippi, finishing wedding planning and planning the move/house searching. Which all keeps me fairly busy but doesn't change the fact that when I have to fill out forms and list my employer, I have none.

Okay okay, technically I'm not unemployed because I am searching for work to begin at a specific time in the future, not at this very moment. But I like to say I am unemployed, mostly because it's the only time I'll be able to do so without being utterly terrified by the prospect.

Being unemployed has turned me into some kind of hybrid of a stay-at-home-mom, college dropout and crazy old lady. This is how I spend my days:

Cooking, cleaning, crafting – Heavy on the cooking and crafting and less so on the cleaning. Because cleaning sucks.

Never putting on real clothes – Although I haven't invested in a velour jumpsuit (you know, YET), I spend the majority of my days in plaid pajama pants, a large T and a sweatshirt I got at Disneyworld when we were caught in a sudden rainstorm. Sometimes I put on jeans. The upside of this is that I have much less laundry to do. The downside is that Brian usually comes home, sees what I have on and sighs. Not with lust.

Talking to Penny – Although I have been a card-carrying member of the crazy cat lady society since approximately birth and therefore no stranger to talking to my pets, I have recently begun to ask Penny legitimate questions as if she could give me an answer, like "What do you think of this shirt?" or "Should I do Kenpo or Plyometrics today?" It's an issue.

Internet research – This includes reading the news both national and Mississippian, poring through house listings on Craigslist and the most important research of all: Pinterest.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

our song, option 3

We are slowly checking things off the wedding to-do list. Tuxes, check. My shoes, check. Father/daughter dance song, check. DJ, check. But Brian and I still haven't chosen our first dance song. Although we have a new front-runner:

Monday, February 27, 2012

look out Jacksontown

We're getting married in a fever and we're going to Jackson. Moving there! To live. And work. And go to school. And get a dog.

My resolve to blog more this year was sidetracked when I realized I wasn't sure how much of the big changes happening in our lives I should share. Brian made a decision on school and we chose to move a bit ago but he wanted to wait for the right time to tell his work that he was leaving. Brian has a good job downtown as a health care consultant and we didn't want to burn any bridges. But today he gave his letter of resignation and his bosses were great about it, which is a huge relief and really makes the move feel even more legit.

The big plan is to be out of here by May. Which means we are moving 1,422 miles and getting married all in the same month. Which means we might be a little bit insane. But I am SO excited.

So I can finally say that all I've been able to think about for the past two months is:
a) job apps/opportunities/cover letters/etc
b) sweet lil Jackson homes
c) what to put in our sweet lil Jackson home
d) a puppy to add to our sweet lil Jackson home
e) how Penny will interact with our future pup
f) moving logistics
g) wedding planning
h) wedding crafts
i) general crafts
j) how to make money while unemployed
k) the costs of moving, sweet lil Jackson homes, a wedding and a pup

Seriously though, if you stop me at any random moment, there's a 98% chance I'm thinking about one of these things.

I still really love Boston and I'm glad we've had our big city life the past two years. I don't intend to live in Jackson for the rest of my life. When Brian is done with school or residency we'll probably move again - maybe California this time. We really want to live abroad at some point - maybe Dublin. When we have more money we can definitely see ourselves back in a city - returning to Boston or going to NYC or D.C. But right now, Jackson has never felt more right.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Oscars 2012 Ceremony Liveblog

8:30 – Here we go, y'all. Morgan Freeman's velvety voice is kicking things off.

8:33 – RE: The Biebs getting "the 18-24 demographic." Try the 10-18 demographic.

8:41 – So I didn't catch every word of the opening song, but was Jonah Hill the only one that got mocked? Ouch, dude. You just got called out by Billy Crystal.

8:42 – This Carl-the-Seat-Filler dude is awesome. I want his job.

8:43 – First award! The winner looks like Gandalf the Grey goes formal. We are off on the wrong foot, office-pool-wise.

8:50 – All these cracks at the theatre are really falling flat. Really, is Billy Crystal the only one they could get to host? Also, what is the point of this super random montage of movies?

8:54 – "A dress should be tight enough to show you're a woman and loose enough to prove you're a lady." J. Lo, you are failing one of those criteria.

8:58 – We are getting back on track with the office pool, Brian picked the last three correctly! Of course, the big points are earned at the end. Since we haven't seen Hugo, The Artist OR The Iron Lady, the proceedings are a little wah-wah so far.

9:00 – This is cute, actors talking about movies from their childhood (if a little desperately saying, "You should pay money to go to the movies again!"). Although I'm suspicious that Brad Pitt's "Gargantua" movie is actually a hallucination he has when he was high. Also, Helen Mirren is fantastic. Also also, why is Adam Sandler involved?

9:03 – Apparently I missed a J. Lo nip slip. Isn't that just a regular Sunday night for her though?

9:05 – A friend texted, RE: the makeup win, "I'm confused how best makeup went to transforming a white lady into a white lady." This is a valid point.

9:09 – "A dark knight, an American psycho and a charismatic crackhead - you'll get to choose one on Super Tuesday." FINALLY, the first good joke of the night by Mr. Crystal.

9:10 – I loved both Jessica Chastain and Octavia Spencer in The Help. LOVED. Lurved. Luved.

9:12 – YES. First standing O! Also, every one of Octavia's speeches has been so heartfelt and hilarious and wonderful all awards season. LOVE HER.

9:14 – P.s. Expect more capslock attack as the wine bottle gets emptier.

9:20 – I'm just SO glad they rushed Octavia off the stage to do this (terrible) Wizard of Oz sketch. Grumble grumble.

9:25 – I kind of love how the film editing winners were just like, "Let's get out of here" after being a bit flustered and unprepared. It's refreshing.

9:26 – You KNOW they were so proud of that "Hugo," "No, hugo" joke.

9:38 – When I was in the seventh grade my family went to Las Vegas and saw Cirque du Soleil and it was magical, so although most people probably think this whole thing is gimmicky (and it might be a little), I kind of love it.

9:40 – Also, I've pretty much just stopped listening whenever Billy Crystal talks.

9:43 – Gwynnie seems so out of touch with the world with her whole GOOP thing, but I can't help but like her when she looks so good and when she and Robert Downey Jr. balance each other out to actually pretty funny results.

9:44 – The "get off the stage music" is MERCILESS this year.

9:51 – I'm so excited for Brave, and yes, it is 100% because the heroine is a redhead. Here's hoping this is Pixar's return to the good old days.

9:52 – Emma Stone's swanning around this introduction is hilarious. LOVE HER.

9:55 – I wanted to vote for Harry Potter in the office pool in this category (Visual Effects), but Brian vetoed me. Let's all hope I'm right so I can gloat for the rest of the night. But also, let's hope he's right so we can get 75 bucks. Conflict.


10:01 – "You're only two years older than me, darling, where have you been all my life?" You are an adorable man, Christopher Plummer.

10:02 – Also I'm going to force Brian to dress exactly like him when we get old and his hair turns white. Velvet jacket, white mustache and little bow tie all the way. Also ALSO, that speech was perfect. Funny, classy, genuine and capped by thanking his lovely wife.

10:07 – Killer 'Revenge' promo.

10:09 – Okay, this "I know what you're thinking" sketch has some funny moments. The second laugh you've wrestled out of me, Billy.

10:13 – The best original score category has the best nominee montage of the night. Reminds me of how much I liked the screenplay one from last year.

10:16 – WTF Will Ferrell and Zach Galifinakis in white tails and smashing cymbals. Also, Zach mispronouncing his own name might well have been the hardest I've laughed all night.

10:20 – Apparently nine SNL cast members have been nominated for Oscars but none have won. Will Kristin Wiig be the first to take home the little golden man?!? Stay tuned my friends.

10:25 – Why the hell is Angelina Jolie sticking her leg out like that?

10:30 – Okay, seriously though, her arms look freakishly frail. Angie, eat a cheeseburger!!

10:31 – We are neck and neck with someone named "Chris" in the office pool. It is all riding on the short documentary category (we have all the same picks besides that category). The tension mounts.

10:39 – Oh, cast of Bridesmaids. I love you. Please come hang out with me. Please show up at my bachelorette party. I don't know when it is, but it's in NYC. Get in touch with Tait Kellogg and she'll give you the details.

10:41 – YES. They continued the "Scorcese" drinking game joke from the SAG Awards. Attention all friendys - this is our new drinking game.

10:50 – It's time for the big awards, and not a moment too soon. I'm going to run out of wine dangerously soon.

10:54 – This man's speech is adorable. As is his accent. As is how he thanked the dog. Best director yay!

10:55 – I love Meryl's lil glasses.

11:04 – That is AN AFRO.

11:05 – I'm assuming L'il Sebastian will be egregiously left out of this In Memorium as well.

11:09 – Like the caveman, wine and sleepiness have reduced me to single-though sentences. So close, only three awards to go...

11:14 – I enjoy that they gave Natalie Portman very Star Wars intro music. I don't know the first dude, I didn't see George Clooney in The Descendants, I also didn't see Jean Dujardin in The Artist, Natalie Portman keeps glancing back at the teleprompter and it's distracting, I DID see Gary Oldman in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy and it was pretty good but not ahmahhhzing, I did also see Brad Pitt in Moneyball and it was also a'ight. So all in all (and particularly compared to my enthusiasm for COLIN FIRTH last year), my attitude toward this category is MEH.

11:19 – I really wish I had seen The Artist and/or could understand whatever that outburst at the end of Jean Dujardin's speech was.

11:24 – Hello Colin. Thank you for being here.

11:25 – I could listen to this man address nominees all day.

11:27 – "Meryl. Mamma Mia. We were in Greece. I was gay and we were happy." Yes.

11:29 – And it's Meryl. I'm disappointed that Viola didn't win, because I want The Help to win everything always, but it's Meryl effin' Streep and her speech is just great.

11:33 – Wait, why is Tom Cruise introducing the biggest event of the night?

11:37 – Seriously, why haven't I seen The Artist yet?! The director's address to his wife (and the star) Berenice Bejo was beautiful. Darn it, me!

11:40 – And that's the show. I have the hiccups, Penny is licking her tail and Brian is busily counting up the points on the ballots for his office pool (he's in charge this year). The end.

Oscars 2012 Red Carpet Liveblog

Dresses! Hair! Pretty people making tragic choices! The wine is poured, so here we go.

Once again, I have been tasked with grabbing food to sustain us through the ceremony (as a result of being the most fully dressed in non-pajama clothes), so Brian will be guest-blogging until I return triumphantly bearing tikka masala and nan.

Brian says:
  • some 11 year-old kid from the descendants. haven't seen the movie, but it seems depressing.
  • this commentator guy named ross is wearing a big red bowtie...and he sounds like a eunuch.
  • titanic 3d commercial. i saw that movie in theaters when i was in 5th grade...with my mom, sister, aunt, and great grandmother. awkward to say the least.
  • my favorite betting props for the oscars - will the winner for best actress cry (yes -145, no +100);  and over/under for mentions of Rooney Mara's nipple piercing. i'm setting it at 1.5, and going with the over. betting can help increase interest in almost anything...the potential to win $80 in my office pool will have me locked in.

Aaaand I'm back. Penny is rolling around on the floor and we are rolling around in Indian food. (Story of our lives).

5:53 – Someone from The Artist is wearing something eco-friendly. Last year we had seen pretty much all of the major nominated movies, but this year we are sorely lacking, especially since The Artist is supposed to win everything and we haven't seen it. Womp.

5:55 – Brian just said George Clooney has already been mentioned like ten times. If only we had made a bet on that.

(commercial/food break)

6:00 – It looks like there are glittery pineapples coming out of Giuliana's boobs.

6:06 – Wolfgang Puck is explaining the 12 dishes served to the guests. I want to go to there. Also, it's a little bit ridiculous that there will be so much food and 90% of the women there won't be able to breathe, much less eat. If I ever make it to the Oscars, remind me to wear something comfy so I can eat that shiz.

6:09 – Rose Byrne is wearing something black and sparkly. She has a bob and semi-severe bangs, which, okay, she can pull anything off, but I miss her gorgeous long(er) locks. Also I have recently become obsessed with Damages, which she is fabulous in. Also, can we talk about how TINY her ears are? Seriously, look at anyone else's ears and then look at hers. MICROSCOPIC.

6:12 – Now several of the Bridesmaids ladies are making their way through. I want to be friends with them. Ellie Kemper is wearing a great copper color.

6:19 – Ahh, Clooney has been sighted. Expect Ryan and Giuliana to start manic name-dropping any minute now. Also, thank you Tom and Lorenzo, because I recognized what Clooney's gal pal Stacy Keibler was wearing without anyone saying anything.

6:21 – Ooooh! My other girlcrush Jessica Chastain is looking fabulous in something black and gold. Her lil red head looks so good.

6:22 – Shailene Woodley is apparently studying to be an herbalist. Huh?

6:36 – Took a quick break for a wedding-related call and I came back to people talking about flasks. Approve.

6:42 – Viola Davis is stunning (but her dress, despite it's gorgeous color, does not fit as well as it should). She just said, "Hair by Mae Alice Davis, my momma" and pointed to her au natural hair. Love it.

6:43 – Her voice sounds SO different from the voice she used as Abileen.

6:46 – Right now the camera is lingering on Puff Daddy/P. Diddy/Diddy/Sean "Puffy" Combs and some dude who is vigorously lint-rolling his tux. I like to imagine it's because shortly before leaving he picked up his cat (who in my imagination is just like Penny) and gave her a thorough hug/petting. Note: I don't actually know if Diddy has a cat.

6:48 – More Kelly/Giuliana inanity.

6:49 – Also Giuliana just said that it is amazing that Rooney Mara is wearing white because she "never wears white." I beg to differ. [Insert smug sound here.]

6:54 – My Week with Marilyn is another movie I haven't seen yet, to my utter disappointment. I'm liking Michelle Williams so much this awards season. Not so much what she is wearing (although sometimes she can knock it out of the park) but just her grace and personality.

6:59 – Octavia Spencer! Mmmmhmmm. That is all.

7:00 – Okay, that's not all. She looks incredible.

7:02 – Wine. That is all.

7:04 – Maya Rudolph! She was hilarious hosting SNL last week. They are discussing the skit where she and my other other girlcrush Kristin Wiig just could NOT hold it together. It. Was. Glorious.

7:11 – Speaking of Kristin Wiig! She and co-writer Annie are pimping Bridesmaids with Ryan. Every time he asks a guest "are you excited?" or "how excited are you?" or some variation thereof, I die a little inside.

7:15 – Original girlcrush Emma Stone glimpsed in something red! Ooooh!

7:16 – Someone tweeted, RE: Sacha Baron Cohen in full Dictator costume and persona, "the Lady Gaga of film and TV." Truth.

7:17 – Ryan looks utterly pissed off after SBC dumped fake ash on him. I also love that Giuliana and Kelly adamantly refuse to let him go to break, which is clearly all he wants to do.

7:24 – This is going to make Ryan even MORE annoying for the rest of the night as he feels obligated to tell everyone what happened. Hi Tina Fey!

7:28 – Emma! I adore her raspy voice. "There was a lot of bourbon on the set... It hurt by 5:00." This is why I want to be friends with you.

7:39 – If I was playing a drinking game (with myself, since Brian abandoned me until the real show starts) where I took a sip every time I felt the urge to roll my eyes at something an E! correspondent said, I would be SLOSHED already.

7:40 – I switched over to ABC just in time to hear Tim Gunn and Tina Fey discussing Bossypants and Tina's past tendency to wear giant t-shirts and fanny packs. All these things are good.

7:42 – Some British lady is now interviewing Colin Firth. All these things are good. Note: We did actually see Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy but of course its barely nominated for anything.

7:53 – I don't know who either of these people are, but this British chick and this grizzly white-haired man cannot understand a word of each other and it is absurd. (Update: Apparently it is Louise Roe and Nick Nolte?)

7:55 – Tim Gunn always sounds so upbeat and respectful. Also, the word "ravishing" should be used more.

8:00 – Cameron Diaz really should NOT have that haircut. It worked on her about ten years ago, but now she needs a little more length.

8:04 – Bradley Cooper is being interviewed. He is great usually but A) The Hangover 3 is a TERRIBLE idea, particularly after The Hangover 2 was so disappointing, and B) Limitless was THE WORST movie we saw all year. Seriously, it was SO BAD. SO, SO BAD.

8:07 – How awkwardly nerdy and nerdily awkward are the guys carrying in the briefcases containing the winners' envelopes? Adorbz.

(commercial/wine refill/Penny petting break)

8:12 – Ahhhh the immortal question, "What are you wearing?" My answer: tshirt by Hanes, pants by the acclaimed collaboration between Jansport and Millsaps College, puma socks (shoeless is the new stiletto) and jewelry by Brian*.

8:24 – This is the portion of the show where they fill random amounts of time with backstage tours and interviews with producers. Meh.

8:26 – Chris Rock was a super random last guest. That's it for the pre-show! Time to see who the big winners are! (In Brian's office pool, obviously. We could win 75 bucks!)

* Given by Brian, not made by him. Obviously.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

January's 31

I love the camera in the iphone 4, y'all. I cannot get over the quality of the photos it takes. Since upgrading my phone before Christmas I rarely get out my real camera anymore. It's all iphone, all the time. And while in college it seemed like there was a new memory-making event to capture at least three times a week, life is a little slower these days. But I really want to capture this year, what with 2012 marking our wedding, my graduation and (as-yet-unfound) new job and several other big changes in our lives, so I'm taking a photo every day of 2012 with my phone and I plan to make a mini scrapbook out of them. Most days I take several, but every day I try to remember to take at least one. The majority end up being edited in Instagram (my new obsession), but not every single one, although they are all getting cropped to squares so they are matchy-matchy.

Here is a photo from every day in January:

Sunday, January 15, 2012

new year, new things, let's see what she brings

Where does the time go, y'all? I cannot believe it is 2012 and I especially cannot believe it is January 15th. I've been really wanting to get back into blogging, but it almost feels like I am starting over completely - what do I even write about? I can't remember. Since it is the beginning of the year and the beginning of a new surge in blogging, I guess the only natural thing is to talk about beginnings. And ends - you can't have beginnings without ends.

2011 was a hard year for me. There were a lot of really great moments, like getting engaged and having fun wedding planning and visiting friends (usually at more weddings) across the country. Those wonderful times are some of the best of my life and I will always cherish them. They also helped propel me through some of the hardest times of my life. In 2011 I was pretty much constantly burnt out on school. I missed my friends and Millsaps life. I got away from doing the things that make me happy - like making things and blogging and going out with people - and became very insular. I slept too much and did too little. I was stressed about everything.

I worried a lot. I worried about money until I was sick. I worried about school until I was miserable. My worrying affected my personal relationships and then I worried about that.

I don't know how much detail to go into, but it was a lot to handle.

I've been trying very hard in the past month to let a lot of that overwhelming stress go. To stop berating myself for not being perfect. I've worked really hard for nine and a half years through high school, college and now grad school. I know I will continue to work hard in the career I find myself in. If right now I need to take a few days or weeks and chill out for my mental health, I will.

So the "ends" part was pretty depressing. Let's get to the "new beginnings" part. In 2012, I want to be happy. That's it. Of course I want to be successful and find a great job and make money and all that, but that contributes to the "be happy" thing anyway, so it doesn't really need to be mentioned here.

I wrote out some reminders for 2011. Not necessarily resolutions, because that makes it seem like a failure if I don't do them perfectly, and that is exactly what I am trying to get away from. But things I want to work on and remember.

Sleep in less.
Stay organized.
Take more photos.
Read more books.
Worry less.
Craft more.
Follow through on craft projects I start.
Be active.
Get art.
Make a home that feels like home.

Those are my personal goals, the ones just for me and my happiness. But since this year will mark the official transition from "I" to "we," I have some goals relating to life with Brian as well.

Listen more.
Overreact less.
And get a puppy!

Here is to 2012 punching 2011 in the noons.