
Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I read an article a couple weeks ago about appreciating things more and one of the writer's suggestions was to build anticipation by talking up an event before hand, preparing in advance, etc. If this theory proves true, I am going to have the BEST bachelorette party evah. But the funny thing is that the anticipation had been building more by not talking about it.

See, my maid of honor Tait (of Ode to a Taiter fame) and Brian and a myriad of other bridesmaids and friendys have been scheming to keep my bachelorette a secret from me for some months now. At first I didn't know where or when it would be or any details of what we might be doing. Then someone accidentally let it slip that it would be in New York City, which gave me just enough tantalizing detail to get even more excited. But I still don't know when it is, exactly who will be there and what is planned. Every conversation with Tait or Brian has become a tease of half-hints and false trails and the suspense is killing me, but it an awesome way.

Eventually I got another little tidbit - Brian booked me a 9 a.m. bus to NYC on a Friday. Which Friday remains unknown. At first he threatened to wake me up at four in the morning with a bullhorn. But since I don't exactly fancy having scramble to pack and rush out the door to make my bus (and because I threatened to kill him), he sweetly relented and promised to tell me Thursday night.

And then today I got my first official clue-slash-packing aid. Cue excitement ramping up even more (as well as the wondering - would they have planned to give me clues for a week? Two weeks?!?). I will have to wait until Thursday to find out for sure, but if the mystery bachelorette is finally upon us, I am reaaaaddyyyyyy to parrrtyyyyyyyyyyyy.

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