
Monday, December 20, 2010

these are my obsessions

[Please sing the title of this blog to the tune of Usher's "Confessions," preferably acappella.]

Oh em gee, y'all.

WHY was I not born with the voice I so clearly and desperately DESERVE?!?

I have recently become obsessed with the Sing Off, this totally underrated reality show where acappella groups compete for fame and glory and money, yadda yadda. It is SO GOOD. My parents and I have been watching it every night, marathon-style (thank you tiny baby Jesus for the wonders of Tivo) and tonight is the finale.

It started with ten groups, from the Whiffenpoofs of Yale fame (best. name. ever.) to these old guys that they keep harping on about being "legends" but really don't have the voices they had twenty years ago and they should have been eliminated the first day to these bros from the University of Oregon to this ballin' group

I haven't always agreed with the judging (see previous paragraph regarding old dudes) but overall I am super impressed with the groups left in the competition. Plus Ben Folds is on the judges panel, and his geeky, yet genius, insights are perfection.

What these people can do with their mouths is INCREDIBLE (not like that!! get your mind out of the gutter). They make it sound like an entire orchestra is onstage when there is not a single instrument present. There's drums and bass and layers and layers of singing and it is just so cool.

Like these adorbz bois from Huntsville:

And these guys, also holding it down for the south from Nashville:

And this group of energetic youngsters:

The third group also features this badass beat-boxing lady:

EDIT: Yay, Committed! They were super cute, all had great voices AND did a cover of "I Want it That Way" so clearly they were a great choice for the win!

Note: I don't know why the formatting of the videos and words together is so screwy :(

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