
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Bubba Gump Turkey Co.

In the days since we cooked up a giant-ass bird for Thanksgiving, Brian and I have been slowly working our way through the leftovers.

There were the favorites, which went fast:
We finished off the sausage balls in days. The mashed potatoes and peas were scraped out over the weekend. The pie has only the tiniest of slivers remaining. The cranberry sauce is only still around because I insisted on getting four cans (I tried to get even more, but Brian stopped me).

And then there are the forgottens:
I found the gravy today hiding in the back of the fridge where it had reached a level of gelatinous-ness that I am thoroughly uncomfortable with. The chicken and dressing also got tossed.

But its the turkey we've really had to get creative with.
We've had turkey, straight up.
Turkey sandwiches.
Turkey quiche.
Turkey omelettes.
Turkey stew.
Turkey cold.
Turkey hot.
Turkey on it's own.
Turkey in other things.
Turkey popsicles.

Okay, okay, no turkey popsicles... But we're not out yet.

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