
Friday, December 24, 2010

On the Eleventh Day of Christmas

my true love gave to me
 eleven advil tablets!

Today all I want is advil and water and sleep, because I am massively hung over due to hosting our family Christmas party which mostly ended up being mom and dad's friends circled up in the kitchen eating and chatting and the younger, Millsaps-slash-CHS academic team crew piling up on the couch and catching up while throwing back drink after drink but largely forgetting to eat, and also because I hadn't prepared anything for the eleventh day but I'm determined to try to get all these dang blog posts done because when I have an idea I stick to it, damn it, even when I really should have picked a holiday song with less numbers. 

Merry holidays and happy Christmas and peace on earth, y'all.

...ten finger puppets
nine awesome apps
eight catnip eyeballs
seven Anthropologie aprons
six fannypacks for your head
four snuggie knockoffs
three Ed Hardy hookahs
two handerpants
and an ornament of yummy sushi

 Category(s): bleeerrrggghhh

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