
Monday, December 13, 2010

On the Eighth Day of Christmas

my true love gave to me
eight catnip eyeballs! 

Of course there has to be at least one present for lil Penny! And when shopping for this discerning fluffball, catnip is key. She is obsessed with the catnip-filled mouse toys she currently has, and performs leaps and bounds and acro-cat tricks while chasing them around the apartment (see video).

But mice are passe. I can't wait to see her batting, gnawing on and running after EYEBALLS. There's nothing cuter than that, am I right?

this cat wishes he was as cute as Penny
this cat wishes he was with a cat as cute as Penny Anthropologie aprons
six fannypacks for your head
four snuggie knockoffs
three Ed Hardy hookahs
two handerpants
and an ornament of yummy sushi

 Category(s): ridiculous (and a little awesome)

(Find it HERE)

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