
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

On the Tenth Day of Christmas

my true love gave to me
ten finger puppets!

Because just imagine the magnificent stories you could come up with involving broccoli, Bob Ross, a gnome, the Loch Ness Monster, a kitty cat, toast with grape jelly, Joan from Mad Men, a triceratops, baby Jesus in the manger, and Edgar Allen Poe + raven... I know! It's almost too good. 

...nine awesome apps
eight catnip eyeballs
seven Anthropologie aprons
six fannypacks for your head
four snuggie knockoffs
three Ed Hardy hookahs
two handerpants
and an ornament of yummy sushi

 Category(s): ridiculous... ly awesome

(Find them HERE: broccoli, Bob, gnome, Nessie, kitty, toast, Joan, dino, Jesus, Poe)

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