
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

adventures with kittens: puppy love?

I believe Penny thinks she is a dog.

And sometimes a meerkat.
And sometimes a raccoon.
And sometimes a human.

But mostly a dog. Besides chasing her own tail and sleeping with her tongue out, one weekend while I was in NYC, Brian taught her to play fetch and now it is her favorite game EVERRRRRR.


I have the best cat in. the. world.

P.s. Check out our Christmas tree! We decorated it with ornaments from the dollar store, ribbon and ornaments we made out of construction paper. And no, none of those things are reasons to pity it. It is awesome. (Except when Penny knocks it over and/or breaks the things on it).

P.p.s. That really angry sound you hear in the first video is our heater. The joys of living in a 100-year-old Boston brownstone.

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