
Thursday, December 30, 2010

I Be Illin'

You know what sucks about being mildly ill? Not much. You stay home from school/work, you pump fluids, you watch a lot of bad(ly awesome) tv and totally have an excuse for it. Sure, you're typically blowing your nose until you wish it would just fall off already, but it's not that bad.

On the other hand, you know what sucks about being ragingly sick, bone tired, racked with stomach pains (and other worse things I won't be getting into) and over CHRISTMAS BREAK and days away from a 4-hour roadtrip to a New Year's Eve party and wedding, no less? EVERYTHING.

To add insult to injury I went to the doctor this morning, which is one of the top ten least fun activities mankind has created. You go, sit in a germ-infested waiting room for 20 minutes, then you get weighed (which is actually a verified ancient torture method for females, I promise), then some overly chipper nurse makes you tell her all the embarrassing things going on inside your embarrassing body, then she pricks your finger and takes approximately a pint of blood one freaking drop at a time, then sticks 6-inch long Q-tips up your nose, then tells you to go pee in a cup (except you totally peed at home before you left so then you're in the doctor's bathroom and its super awkward and you're wondering if you should ask for some water to drink or what and just hoping they don't make you do it over again if the first sample was inadequate), then you have to wait some more and then the doctor - who you aren't sure is even a doctor or just a nurse - tells you you don't have the flu and it's probably just a stomach virus, but they aren't positive, so be sure to go to the emergency room over the weekend if it gets worse, that will be $25 thanks bye!

Sorry if that was too much information.

All of this is to say, being sick sucks.
And shitty general practitioners do too.

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