
Monday, December 6, 2010

On the Fifth Day of Christmas

my true love gave to me

There are 23 pages of (just movie related) merchandise on Warner Brother's gift shop, plus the countless other Harry-centric sites, which means there is a ton of cheesetastic Harry Potter merchandise out there.
for example, this is a HAT, y'all
But since it would be impossible to pick only five absurd things, here are five things I actually think are really cool and would unashamedly would wear and/or use and/or drink out of:

I don't think this (the necklace, not the book) necessarily screams Harry Potter... at least, not to the 2% of the world who haven't read the books or seen the movie.
I need to drink my butterbeer coffee out of this mug. It changes colors when you pour something hot into it!

If I can't "accio" my groceries back to the apartment, at least I can carry them in this bag.
I actually think this Horcrux ring is really funky/cool/pretty. Say what you want about Slytherin, he's got taste. 

...four snuggie knockoffs
three Ed Hardy hookahs
two handerpants
and an ornament of yummy sushi

 Category(s): awesome

[Find them HERE: shirt, necklace, mug, bag, ring]

P.s. Oh em gee, y'all, I haven't gotten around to posting about HP7.1, but it was SO so good. 

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