
Thursday, January 6, 2011

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas

my true love gave to me
twelve glorious moustaches! 

Yeah yeah yeah, Christmas is over. BUT I just read today that traditionally the twelve days of Christmas actually starts ON Christmas and continues for a week and a half hence. So actually, I've been way ahead of schedule on these blogs, bitches!! And since today is the 12th day since Christmas, I am still on time. 

Anyway, there's not much that a person could need twelve of, or give to twelve of their friends. But there is one thing you can never have too much of... MOUSTACHES. Not much to say about it, just bask in their gloriousness. 

...eleven advil tablets
ten finger puppets
nine awesome apps
eight catnip eyeballs
seven Anthropologie aprons
six fannypacks for your head
four snuggie knockoffs
three Ed Hardy hookahs
two handerpants
and an ooooooornameeeeeeent of yummmmmmmy suuuuuuuuushiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!

 Category(s): ridiculous, awesome

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