
Saturday, January 15, 2011

dreaming up a bestseller

I really wish I could record my dreams to watch later while conscious. I would have pure gold for any fiction novel I wanted to write down the road. The problem is I usually can't remember enough of it to make any sense. Here's what I remember from last night, for example: I dreamt I was in a to-the-death competition a la The Hunger Games... except in teams of five. One of my teammates was suspiciously like Hanna from Pretty Little Liars (don't judge, that shit is awesome). Anyway, first we took out one dude by turning loose on him some small furry chirping creature that literally chirped at him until he couldn't take it anymore. Then a bit later in the dream I died. But not to worry because I had cleverly copied myself and stored the second me in a sort of third level of existence (this part was very confused upon waking up - I guess it's like a way more sci fi version of Horcruxes?). Anyway, once the first me was dead, the second me came back down and met my contact whom I knew by the BREAKFAST FOODS HE SERVED ME.

See? Who could think of this?!? PURE GOLD.

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