
Friday, January 14, 2011

embarrassment on the T

You can always tell the true Bostonians from the tourists on the subway. True Bostonians are usually clad in black and listening stoically to their ipods while reading or just generally avoiding all eye contact. They ride the train without stumbling, surprised by nothing.

At this point I consider myself a pretty legitimate resident of this city, but the subway ride is one thing I just can't quite master. I've got the black and I can avoid eye contact and I don't fall when it stops suddenly. I don't even have to look at the posted charts to know how many stops there are until my destination... No, it's the ipod that gets me.

It starts innocently enough. I stare out the window with the buds in-ear, stoic as any Bostonian. But by the Copley stop I'm nodding my head. By Arlington I'm mouthing the words. By Park Street I might accidentally be making noise or slip in a dance move or two. Before I know it, I am full-on shaking my ass to Cee Lo Green and people are staring.

I need to work on this.

1 comment:

  1. If [dancing on a subway] is wrong, I don't wanna be right!!
