
Friday, January 7, 2011

auld lang syne*

Well here we are, another year gone by. 2010 was a great year - hard, but great - and 2011 is looking to be even BETTER. And even though I always make resolutions but hardly ever keep them, I still love the idea of starting a new year with plans to make yourself and your world better. Granted, most of these are about fitness, but hey, I need to be a hot bride in 2012!

So without further ado, in 2011, I resolve to....
Adopt a healthier lifestyle. This includes working out more, eating out less and cooking more/healthier foodz in the house (also part of our "be more budget-concious" initiative for the year).

On that note, maintain a better budget than last semester. We need to save some moneys for a sweet honeymoon!

Get better posture. I'm sick of looking like a deformed hunchback.

Keep up with world and local events, work harder on homework and improve writing.

Read 52 books this year, one book for every week (although I'm sure some weeks I'll read less and some more). It's time to cut back on the mindless internet surfing and marathons of CSI on TV and crack open some of the big beautiful works of literature I'm missing out on.

Find a place to volunteer in Boston. Preferably Habitat for Humanity. What can I say, I'm a beast with a nail gun.

No fast food. This is going to be the big experiment of the year. Despite knowing that it is disgustingly unhealthy and run by greedy corporations that use terrible, unsafe slaughterhouses and other bad ingredients, I STILL EAT IT. Why? Because it's cheap, fast and tastes good. But no more! Or hopefully no more. Brian and I are both resolving not to eat any fast food (not including Subway - I don't think I could resist the one next to the Communication building for a whole year) until 2012. And hopefully if we make it, we won't want it anymore anyway.

So check me out in 2012!
If you don't recognize me, I will be the one that looks like a Victoria's Secret model...
coincidentally, I also plan to start wearing wings and jeweled panties everywhere
the one that is as healthy as a mountain climber....

 the one that's as wealthy as this kid....

the one that has built hundreds of these....

 and the one that's working her way up the ranks here!

* Does anybody really know what "auld lang syne" is about? Or all the lyrics? I'm pretty sure 98% of people just drunkenly yell "Should auld acquaintance be forgot, dum da dum da dum blah blahhh!!!!" and then just mumble the rest. No one knows it. 

1 comment:


    SkyMall represent.
