
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Project Crackway

I, like everyone else in the world*, am appalled at the outcome of the latest Project Runway. Specifically appalled that the judges were smoking crack the level of which made them name Gretchen, not Mondo, the winner. Not because I think Gretchen is a bitch (I mean, I don't not think it, but that's not why I'm appalled), or because she is a terrible designer... It's because LOOK AT THESE CLOTHES:


Mondo, you fabulous little sprite. I would wear any of these clothes and probably anything else you put your genius hands to. Gorgeous. Love the shapes, loooove the black and white patterns, love the sparing use of color. I even love the hair and makeup (those lashes!!). 

Now look at THESE clothes. Gretchen made what looks, to me, like pajamas. 
ugly jammies
jammies with a jacket on top
I would love to lay around the apartment eating Chex Mix and watching Jeopardy in these, but I would never wear them in public anywhere. The only look of Gretchen's I reeeeallly like is this one:
But I would like it even better in a graphic, black and white print... aka Mondo-ized. (Also, give me that model's hair).

So yes, Gretchen's clothes were well made and I wish the best for her, but they were in no way exciting and breathtaking and wearable and clever and fun the way Mondo's were. The judges had decided before the runway shows who was going to win, and they argued themselves in circles trying to make it work. The shit they said in praise of the winning line were things that were criticisms in almost every previous season. A lot of people in the blogosphere have been shouting that they will NEVER WATCH THE SHOW AGAIN!!!!! I'm not saying that, but I do think the things that made Project Runway great in its beginning seasons are being smothered by producer interference and shoddy, inconsistent judging. Please put the drugs down, PR, and maybe I'll tune back in. 

* Everyone else who watches Project Runway and has taste, that is.

(All photos stolen from courtesy of Tom and Lorenzo.)

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