
Monday, November 1, 2010

Harry -- I mean, Happy November!

I can't believe Halloween is already over, which means the holiday trifecta is one-third behind us. But I guess the Earth spins on, so let's continue looking forward, shall we?

November typically is the month of delicious whole turkeys and even delicious-er leftover turkey sandwiches and imbibing and family and eating until you want to die. However, this November, something takes precedent.


Which is why I will be watching this and various other trailers between one and one hundred times per day until November 19:

Holy shit, goosebumps every time.


  1. OOHh MYY GOODDDD. I've gotta reread the book, and watch that 10,000 more times.

  2. I CANNOT wait!!!!!!!!! I want to drown in all the books again, but it seems like just yesterday that I did that...
