
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

the Littlest Playboy Bunny

On Sunday, as usual, Brian and I curled up to watch Mad Men, where the men took their lunch break at the Playboy Bunny club (you know, like you do). There were a lot of interesting bits of the scene, but what I loved most was seeing the old school Bunny outfits. They recalled fond memories of the time I dressed as a Bunny for Halloween..

When I was two and a half years old.

My parents picked it out.
Actually, my mom tells me, "Your dad borrowed the outfit from someone at work I think. He thought it was cute." Nothing cuter than Hef's girls, eh Dad?

Okay, okay, I don't think they were going for a Playboy Bunny exactly. But the combination of a black leotard, sheer tights, ears and a white fluffy tail (sans bunny nose or whiskers or other little kid things) just kind of ended up looking like I should be practicing the Bunny Dip when picking up my juice box.

But damn I was ADORABLE (and Daniel aka Leonardo wasn't too bad either - check out the form on that ninja stance):
I already don't know what to do with my hands.
(Too bad my awkward stage began approximately three weeks after that photo was taken and continued for 75% of my life thus far.)

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