
Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Last weekend the Awwads hit Boston and the ensuing bestie-fest involved an abundance of inappropriate conversations (both in person and via various social media), overindulgence of alcohol, terrible-for-you-(but ohso delicious)-food at absurd hours of the morning, and just a splash of touristy awkwardness.

Our behavior could be summed up in one word: undergrads.

Some unnamed snarky snarkmonster allegedly asked “Do they know they’re not in college anymore?”

Just wait, snarky snarkmonster. Ask that again when you’ve graduated.

If I had to do any period of my life over again, it would be college, no doubt. And I probably wouldn’t change much. College was the best time of my life. I would make the same choices, because they led me to the best friends I could ask for.

But if I had any one wish, I wouldn’t wish to just do college over. I would wish… well I guess I would wish for world peace so everyone didn’t think I was a total asshole. But if I had one selfish wish, I would wish that all my and all my favorite people’s chosen homes – Boston, NYC, Bradenton, Jackson, D.C., Memphis, Dallas, etc. – were all in the same state (a small one… more like Massachusetts than Texas). I just wish the amazing times from college could continue uninterrupted into adulthood. I wish we could have more weekends like this.
we are terriers!!
let's see if we remember how to do this...
besties 4 lyfe

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