
Thursday, September 2, 2010

grad school is not college

Across the street from our apartment is a freshman dormitory, where for the past several days, freshmen have been trickling in with their playstations and laundry hampers and extra-long sheets. Millsaps is already in full force, as evidenced by all the Facebook stati ("Toga! Toga!," "on the fourth day god created foam parties," etc).

I miss college.

Because as much as I'm attending college through my graduate program, I am not in college. I feel entirely separated from these leeetle freshmen buzzing around about what to wear to rush parties and how they like totally didn’t do the reading last night and "omg so then he texted ‘nice pants’ and I was like ‘what does that mean’ and he's totally flirting amIright???"

Although, I don’t so much miss that. Or this:

(an actual overheard conversation)
Promotional girl at giveaway stand: Want some [insert product name here]?!?! It’s a recovery drink, loaded with everything you need to get over a hangover!!
Freshman boy and girl: Sure!
Freshman girl to freshman boy: Now we HAVE to get drunk, you know, so we can test it out.

Ahhhh, yes. The days when we needed excuses to drink.

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