
Thursday, September 16, 2010

flying V!

So my section of Communications 101 (the one I teach) is D4, which always makes me think of The Mighty Ducks whenever I say it or write emails or whatever because I am convinced if they ever made a fourth  movie to expand the iconic 90's trilogy it would inevitably be called D4: ICE SHOWDOWN or D4: DUCKS LAST FLIGHT or something equally terrible/awesome like that.

(It's kind of like how whenever I talk about WALL STREET: MONEY NEVER SLEEPS, which I totally want to see, I have to say it in the type of voice you reserve for all-caps type things). Say it now. WALL STREET: MONEY NEVER SLEEPS. I know you used the voice.

Okay, also:
Can you honestly tell me you don't think those bubble gum bubbles are positioned a little awkwardly over Emilio Estevez's junk? They look like little buttcheeks... or boobs... or overly large balls. Inapprop. (Sorry Mom and Dad.)

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