
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

adventures with kittens: Penny Pisspants

So for a while after Chris and Taylor visited, Penny had some issues… let’s just say they were of the type to earn her the nickname Penny Pisspants. Luckily (and fingers crossed and knock on wood) she seems to have gotten herself under control and is now using the litter box again for all such bodily functions.

Actually, now lil Penny has fully entered the playful–destructive stage. Being as she is still fairly wee, I’m not too concerned. Her ravaging has mostly been contained to napkins, random toy bits, pens and string. But it is hilarious to watch her leaping through the air, battling savagely against three inches of napkin, only to become startled when we make any noise and go tearing off into the next room.

But there's also this:

We're trying to keep her out of the boozes so as to keep her Pisspants days behind us.

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