
Monday, October 4, 2010

Costumes of Halloweens Past, part 1

In honor of Halloween (aka the best holiday ever), and while I ponder on my costume for this year, each week in October I am planning to feature a costume of yore. Because we all like to see how incredibly awkward I was/am.

nothin' but sass
The first comes from when I was nine-ish years old. My then-best friend and I decided to be a pair of dice. So we got a couple of giant refrigerator boxes and my mom and I went about carefully measuring and tracing the dots to exactly replicate a die.*
And then I slowly and carefully colored in all the dots.

With a black marker.

Make that several black markers.

It took multiple hours, which I passed by watching The Sound of Music on tv. Do you guys know how long that movie is? I was coloring the entire time.
my cat is thinking, "giiiirl, you crazy"
Looking back, I often wonder why I didn't just cut out black circles and glue them on and save myself five hours, a pack of sharpies and several hand cramps. But I was young. And while I was a perfectionist already, common sense clearly hadn't quite kicked in yet.

* Because we are super neurotic.

1 comment:

  1. Ha- I LOVE this photo. I think around that time was the year that Betsy and I transformed an old refrigerator box into... waitforit... a refrigerator. We cut out food pictures from all her Southern Living at Home magazines and taped them into the panels and everytime I exclaimed "trick or treat" I proudly opened those side panels and showed off my goods. We clearly would have been friends as young, awkward, box-like children.

    Also, the girl I went with was a princess. So I looked that much cooler.
