
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

adventures with kittens: red light, green light

Penny only has two speeds: cracked-out and comatose.

She is either racing around the apartment at top speeds, tearing things up and smashing into the walls (because she can't stop properly on the hardwood floors), or passed out. Like passed oooouuuuutttt. When you pick her up in this state, she just goes limp and just kind of lolls about until you get her limbs into a normal laying position. We can pick her up and move her around and she'll just sleep through it completely.

I must say, although she can be pretty cute when she's playing with her various mice toys (presents from Mama Nance and lil Hannah Vick), I prefer her sleepy state. She puts up less of a fight when I'm trying to smother her with my undying love. Plus when she gets hyperactive, she can be really damn crazy. Like so:
the camera can't catch crazy like this
"mom, look what I did!"
She also loves to "help" with things around the house, especially cooking (by purring madly and rubbing against the legs of whoever is making the meal - in a devious attempt to get them to drop food I suspect) and homework:

"whatcha working on?"
very helpful
But when she's not running around like crazy and/or sitting on my homework, she can usually be found in one of the following positions:

I love that damn cat.  

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