
Monday, October 18, 2010

Costumes of Halloweens Past, part 2

Three blind mice.

Ahhhhhh yes, my first college Halloween party. (Actually, it was a sorority/fraternity swap.)

This costume is notable for a couple of reasons: Number one is that, despite the fact that it’s a huge cliche and media overhypes it, I'm pretty sure it is still a fact that approximately 75% of all the girls who have ever been in a sorority have done the "sexy [insert animal here]" costume at least once. I was clearly not above it.
gang's all here: dog, cat, mouse
why are stilettos necessary to be an animal? don't ask me.
I was also not above the terrible phase that seems to hit people between the ages of 15 and 20 where they think kissy/pouty faces are cool.
...they're really not (Tait is though)
But I actually loved this costume, and still do despite the cliche. It was homemade (always a plus), it involved sunglasses and led to some fun pictures. We got on everyone's nerves with our sticks, danced our tails off and finished the night eating frozen capri suns with our Resident Assistant. Fond memories, all.

Plus, I would like to think we (and our poodle and kitty sisters) kept it at least a little bit classier than some interpretations...
adding ears does not make this not lingerie


  1. LOVE! HAhah. I await the Spartan blog!

    Oh, and you should read my little story about Republicans!

  2. OH and I totally forgot about our frozen capris to top off the evening!!!!
