
Thursday, August 11, 2011

I'm baaaaaaaaack!!

Which I'm sure 40% of my former readership will never notice, because you have stopped checking due to the lengthy lack of posts, another 40% will notice because I put this on facebook but react like, "oh yeah, that blog I never read anyway," 1% will pretend to care because you live with me and I tell you when I post and then stare at you, waiting until you go read it (hi Brian!), 2% will both notice and care because they are probably the only ones still checking this thing (hi Mom and Dad!), 10% will be super excited to resume filling their heads with my drabble, and the remaining [does math in head]... 7% are just here because they googled information about maine coons - seriously, I get so many hits from that post.

Note: Yes, I realize that by making my parents 2% I am assuming I have, or at least used to have, 100 loyal readers. A girl can dream.

So where did I go?

I never forgot about the blog so much as I went a few days without updating, and then I wrote a couple of half-posts that I intended to spruce up before posting for real, and then I didn't do that and then they weren't timely anymore and then it had been a bunch of days without updating and then I threw a couple posts up and wrote several more half-posts that never quite got finished or published and then I was traveling a bunch and then I got kind of used to thinking about blogging but not actually blogging and then all of the sudden it was August and I was like, "whaaaaaaat?"

Hey. Happy August.

Happy middle of August to be realz.

How has your summer been? Mine has been mostly uneventful, but punctuated by periods of busy/chaos. Brian has been working so hard, bringing home mounds and mounds of things to write and prepare and study each night and the weekend. And I have been... working. I am doing an internship at Art New England magazine three days a week, writing for the website and some upcoming print issues. I really enjoy it and have been putting a lot of effort into the writing, since it will actually be seen by more than my professors. But I also have been enjoying coming home and, for the most part, leaving work behind me until the next morning. I never got to feel like that when school was in session, and I'm sure as soon as things start up again in September I won't anymore, so I am taking advantage of it.

The busy part of life mostly has to do with wedding season being in full swing. For us, it involves a bunch of traveling, either preparing for it or being in the thick of it or recovering from it. We spent a weekend in Jackson and Hattiesburg for two friends' wedding, and managed to lock down our wedding venue and date in the same weekend (yay slash thank god). Then more recently I took five days off to be a bridesmaid in my best friend's wedding in Florida (yay Tait Kellogg! I didn't even have to hold her hair or anything at the bachelorette!).

Also, I'm in Utah. Did I mention that? I am visiting mes parents for a week or so, and it is super nostalgic. Although I largely grew up in this state, I haven't been in it for six years and haven't lived here for over nine years. It doesn't really feel like home anymore, but there are elements of it that will always bring that feeling back. The mountains, certain sights, people. My parents live in a different neighborhood now than what I grew up in, so its not overwhelming as of yet, but I think when I visit other old sights it will be. My school, the library, certain restaurants... these are the places engrained in my brain.

In addition, I have been going through the last things I left at my parents' house when I moved to Boston,  which is mainly old pictures and memorabilia from middle school and high school. It is bringing back some of the (horrible, terrible, embarrassing, should-never-be-seen-by-anyone) choices I made growing up – mainly sartorial, but there are some pretty good hairstyles and even journal entires I am stumbling upon. Don't worry, there will be posts to come exploring these items in greater detail.

But for now, I just want to say hey. What's up. Let's hang out again.

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