
Friday, April 1, 2011

two against one

My city and my immune system have teamed up against me to ensure that instead of being out doing any of the 5893020343290 things I need to be doing to finish the several major projects I have due next week, I am in the apartment hiding out from the cold and wintry mix coming down, sneezing violently/ blowing my nose every five minutes and trying madly to get all the laundry and cleaning done before the future in-laws arrive.

Oh, and calling everyone I can think of to get interviews for said impending assignments. PLEASE JUST CALL ME BACK STATE REPRESENTATIVES I ONLY NEED TEN MINUTES.

So as I wait for the towels to finish washing, a Massachusetts Department of Transportation employee to call me back and the next bout of sneezing to attack me, I thought I’d blog.

I feel like everyone I know is on the verge of a mental breakdown, myself very much included. Mental and possibly sinus-al, in my case. The semester is five weeks from finished and I really thought for some reason that the work would start to dwindle down so we could concentrate on the longer and more important final projects. Not so. Instead there are all these smaller-but-still-important projects that keep me so busy I can't even begin to think about final stories. We're all running around like chickens with our heads cut off trying to slap together something, anything that resembles quality reporting and writing. But then Boston and Mother Nature decides April 1st would be a good day for some snow and my body decides this week is the perfect time for a raging sinus infection and I just want some SLEEP, y'all.

Plus, if that wasn’t enough, this is what my workspace looks like:

I’ll never get anything done.

P.s. Happy April Fools Day, y'all. This weather is a cruel prank, I'm pretty sure.

P.p.s. I hope Penny saved this post from dying in its own self pity.

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