
Thursday, February 24, 2011


Sleep is ruining my life.

And not even that I don't get enough of it. No, the problem is that I sleep too much. I try really hard to get up and at 'em with Brian before he goes off to work. But inevitably I wind up back in bed, hitting the snooze button for another hour... or two.

And the lethargy that I feel has been creeping into my waking hours too. I feel like for the past few weeks, I just wander from task to task, doing all of them halfway and none of them to my satisfaction. I feel like I have so many half-begun projects strewn about my apartment and my life that I don't know if I will ever get them all done. There's dishes and reading and laundry and classes and exercise and interviewing and writing and it's all so much. It's more enjoyable to just stay in my pjs and watch Castle online.

I even tried Operation Unplug to get myself to stop reading blogs and watching TV and start achieving things and I was pretty successful at the unplugging, but much less so at the self-motivating. Especially after I downloaded the Angry Birds app...

I don't know if it's the fact that I'm 100% burned out on school or some unknown factor, but getting myself geared up to tackle another day is becoming harder and harder.

Maybe my body and mind are physically rebelling against adulthood.

Last week while I was expressing my excitement about President's Day giving us a day off of school and therefore a week off of writing articles for one of my classes and basically bemoaning the workload, some asshat classmate snarked in a really judgmental tone, "Well, isn't this what we want to do for our lives?" And yes, it is. Or at least I think it is. Or at least I got into grad school to decide if it is. But that doesn't change how I feel.

I bet that classmate doesn't suffer from too much sleep.

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