
Friday, April 15, 2011

Happy 100! And also 23!

My blog is 100 posts old today! And I am 23! (Years, not posts). Both of these things are very exciting. And I didn't plan it this way. I actually tried to blog several times this week but had intense writer's block (see yesterday's post).

Anyway, twenty-three is one of my lucky numbers, so I feel like this upcoming year is going to be awesome. In honor of these momentous occasions, I present: A Very Special (and Awkward) Birthday Retrospective.

1st birthday: The year I didn't understand how cupcakes worked and I tried to eat the paper lining. 

3rd birthday: I'm pretty sure this is where I peaked in cuteness. It was all downhill after this. Also, that is one sweet windsuit. 

4th birthday: The beginning of a life of not knowing what to do with my hands.

5th birthday: Blowing candles is intense work, y'all. (Please keep the jokes I know are forming to yourself and remember this is a five year old here!)

6th birthday: The good thing about this picture is, had I been arrested at age 6, I would have already had a mug shot ready to go. 

11th birthday: Cat cake. Princess Leia hair.

12th birthday: This is the one picture I seriously debated putting up. Twelve was clearly the fugliest year of my existence. Y'all please hurry on to the next one. 

16th birthday: This is my "Okay, I'm posing with my cupcake. Happy now, Mom?" face 

18th birthday: My "surprise" (the girl in charge of keeping me busy and getting me there was really bad at hiding the secret) party in a randomly empty house. Ahh high school.

19th birthday: Kyle (wearing the sailor hat) handed me that wet floor sign and told me it was my birthday present. The other picture is just for Walt's singing face. 

21st birthday: "I'm 21 now so I'm going to take a picture with all this alcohol paraphernalia!!" (Don't worry, those cups are courtesy of the whole table, not just me. I didn't die that night.)

22nd birthday: My birthday fell during the post-comprehensive exams, pre-graduation period of senior year, which was one of the best times of college. Hence the good hair day. 

I wish I had videoed Brian reading this so I could share his reaction. Basically he just laughed harder and harder with each one until the 12 year old picture, where he died laughing and took the time to point out each terrible part, particularly "What is that hair?!!?" 

He also wanted me to add this:
And he inquired why my mother chose to "take one of those things [doilies] that people put on side tables under lamps and cut a hole in in and put it over your head." A question, indeed. 

1 comment:

  1. I cant believe that in all the years of torture over my "mormon child" dress photo you (or your mother) did not offer the photos of this doilie outfit. They are cut from the same pattern!
