
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

mixed metaphors

So call me a nerd, but I'm obsessing over the name of my blog. I know I JUST changed it, but it still doesn't feel right. Brian is the scientist around here. I'm more of a book person. So while I like how the title lends some cohesiveness and I DO feel like I am continually experimenting with adulthood, I also feel like I'm mixing my metaphors here and I would feel more at home on a blog called the Library or something... except that isn't a very good name for a blog. For a bar, perhaps, but not a blog. The whole reason I started this blog was to have an outlet to write creatively (almost) every day. So again, writing not science.

Am I just being crazy and neurotic? Does anyone that reads this even care what it's called? Would changing it again be more trouble than it's worth? IS THERE SOMETHING BETTER FOR ME OUT THERE?!?

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