
Monday, March 7, 2011

of cleaning and comas

I've always been messy. No matter how hard I tried growing up, my room was looked like an explosion of toys, shoes, homework, clothes and what I called "projects." Twenty years later, not much has changed. Well, the toys are different. (Not like that! Get your mind out of the gutter.) Anyway, I try, I really do. But somehow the clothes don't quite make it back in the closet and the papers get stacked up on the desk and before I know it, there is shit everywhere and I don't know what happened.

It has been especially difficult in our wee Boston apartment because, besides the bedroom closet (which is overflowing with thingz), there isn't any storage space. We've had to get really creative with putting stuff out of sight but eventually there was only so much we could do. Combine that with the facts that there's no air conditioning system in our building (i.e. no air flow up in here, i.e. dust gathers like crazy) and that Penny gets a sick joy out of rubbing her long luxurious fur on EVERY SINGLE SURFACE IN THE HOUSE, well, we found ourselves living in an apartment laden with piles of stuff everywhere, all covered in dust bunnies and cat hair. Oh, and did I mention we don't have a dishwasher? Cool.

Anyway, this is a super longwinded way of explaining why I am awake and blogging at 1:00 a.m. (and on a school night!!! Whatttttt???) See, Brian and I decided to tackle the house today. Five sets of dishes washed, four loads of laundry done and folded, an entire bathroom scrubbed and reorganized with a brand new cabinet thingamajig, seven pictures hung on the walls, countless clothes picked up and hung up, two trips to the dumpster and one giant, heavy duty air purification filter machine set up and running later and it seriously feels like we are living in a whole new apartment.

Then we decided to reward our hard work with beer, spinach artichoke dip and beef & Guinness stew (aka the comfort food of kings) at the pub down the road.

Then we came back to the house and promptly fell into an epic food coma at 8:30 p.m.

Except then we woke up after two hours and couldn't fall back asleep. So now Brian is studying and Penny is sleeping on more stuff she shouldn't be and I am blogging.

Seriously you guys, we live the craziest life. The party never stops around here. Twenty-somethings shutting it DOWN, twenty-four/seven. It should be illegal how young and crazy and out of control we are.

I should probably go to bed.

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