
Thursday, October 17, 2013

finding my way

Life lately has been hard. Although there certainly have been bright spots, overall I have really been struggling to find my footing as an adult—to juggle work, home, marriage, friends, responsibilities, health, pets... It's been hard and I often feel like I'm drowning in it. Of course, then I feel silly (and even worse) because I know, objectively, that I am a lucky person. But difficult emotions don't care about rational thought. They'll drag you under no matter what.

I need to get back to what makes me happy. Creating things. Being with my friends. Good food and wine. Joking with my husband.

So I am returning to this space once more. Sometimes it will just be so I can spill out all the things swirling in my head, in the hopes I can make sense of them. Sometimes it will be to share something creative that I'm excited about. Sometimes it will be to remind myself to be grateful for what I have. It's mostly for me, but if any readers out there get something out of my ramblings, all the better.

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