
Monday, May 30, 2011

The Dress

Happy Memorial Day!
I have a wedding dress!

Okay, so this news is a little old. I actually decided on the dress almost a week ago. I've kind of been neglecting the ole blog lately the whole last month. Not that I haven't thought about blogging a ton. It's just that whenever I got around to actually writing my thoughts out... I didn't feel like it. I'M ON VACATION MAN... NOT ON THE RUG, MAN!!

I'm not going to put a picture of the dress (ahem, The Dress) up because Brian reads my blog and I don't want him to see it before The Big Day, but I will tell you that it has tulle:

and ribbon:
and flowers:

... DAMMIT!! Y'all totally know what it looks like now, don't you?!?!!

Well anyway, I've been engaged for several months now (over five, wow!) and have been perusing wedding blogs like it's my JOB (seriously, if someone wants to hire me for this, I am an E-X-P-E-R-T) but when it came to picking out my actual I'm-getting-married-in-a-wedding-dress wedding dress, I sort of freaked out.

Which was silly. I am so lucky. I got to go to NYC and stay with my mom and one of my best friends and have a whole whirlwind adventure of wedding dress-vaganza. It was like a cloud of organza and estrogen for three days straight.

But I still freaked out. I freaked out over spending that amount of money on any one piece of attire, especially one that I will only wear once. I freaked out over the fact that I'm getting married, y'all. I freaked out over the fact that Brian will choose to say, "I do" based on this dress.

Except that's totally absurd talk and only in my head. Brian has told me more than once that he will love whatever I come down the aisle in (yes, I've tried to pick his brain about wedding dress styles, to not much avail). But when it came to committing - to saying, "Yes" to The Dress (NO WE DIDN'T GO TO SNOBTOWN KLEINFELDS, STOP ASKING)... where was I? Oh yes, when it came to committing to this really expensive dress, I just really really wanted to talk to Brian. Which is also silly because I've always been one of those people who thinks that the groom shouldn't see The Dress until it is walking down The Aisle with The Bride inside it (It?). But I really needed to talk to him in this moment.

So it was unfortunate that he decided to take a nap right after I tried on this Very Important Dress. This meant I ran around like a crazy person, barking at my mom and Tait, making us waste a thousand hours in the Crate & Barrel around the corner while I stared at my phone and pretended the large knot in my stomach didn't exist.

Yes, it's not very glamorous.

But that's real life.

Brian eventually woke up, called me back and told me to chill out. So I did, and then my mom, Tait and I drank some wine and watched Harry Potter.

And the next day I committed to the dress!
In the end, it was exciting and glamorous and just right.

When I was newly engaged, I googled images of wedding dresses using very specific search criteria (which again, I'm not writing here to keep the dress a surprise) and I came up with one dress that I thought was beautiful. I had no idea who designed it or whether it was even in-season, but I printed the picture out and sent it to my mom and bridesmaids. A couple of months later, I saw the dress again in a magazine and discovered who made it. A few months after that, I was in New York, trying on dresses and on a whim I decided to call the salon and see if they had an opening.

Not only could they squeeze an appointment in for me, but they were having a trunk sale!! (For all you straight males out there, that means all the pretty things are discounted for one weekend only.)

And so I ended up with THAT exact dress which is kind of storybook perfect and the ladies in the salon gave us a champagne toast while I twirled around in my future wedding dress and it was great. Big thanks to dress expert Emily, who supported me while I paraded around the salon in my dress, touching pretty things. Even bigger thanks to my dearest momsy and Taiter for putting up with my slight(?) crazymaking and telling me how wonderful I looked in the dress.

I can't wait to marry mah man in it!

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