
Friday, August 20, 2010

20-something (if only I could remember what)

Someone asked my age the other day and I sort of stuttered around before blurting out "22?" I legitimately forgot how old I was.

I've often said in the past few years that I still feel 18 years old. And I do. Except I don't. I mean, I just moved 1,200+ miles all by myself (well, not really, I moved with a MAN which is even more of a scandal) to a big city where I have to pay rent and bills and grocery shop and stick to a budget and do lots of grown-up, scary/boring stuff. Yet, I still don't feel really grown up.

Luckily, people much smarter than me have researched and validated this feeling.
Read more here!:

(Seriously, read it. It is super interesting.)

I am in awe of articles like this. I can't believe I will soon start classes that presumably will teach me the mechanics behind writing this great, although I live in secret terror that I will never have the pure talent to back up any amount of booklearning. Regardless of those feelings, validated or not, I know I need to work on my writing. Millsaps showed me that I can crank out a paper or news article quickly and fairly well, but what about storytelling? Humor? Writing about the things I really care about? That is what this blog experiment is all about. I’m not going to pretend I will write every day, although I wish I would/could. But I will try to make writing and thinking about writing a constant part of my life.

Shall we?

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